Charity of the Year 2018
We are pleased to announce the TWG Charity of the Year 2018 will be the Epilepsy Society, via the local Clare Collection Fundraising Group.
Edward Taxil-Webber (auctioneer & valuer) writes:
“Clare was loved by so many people and her untimely death has affected us all. She was a young woman in the early months of married life, pregnant with her first child. I had been Best Man at her wedding to Paul Mackmin. Shortly after Clare died, midway through last year, Paul, a small group of close friends and I, launched The Clare Collection as a means for friends and family to network together for a series of charity fundraising events.
Epilepsy charities do not get the recognition nor funds they need for research and care but together we can unite to make a little difference. Look out for events and activities throughout 2018, together with the change collection pots in our offices. Every contribution will be gratefully received.