Lot No: 8258

A collection of 30+ poetry titles etc, some from the collection of Allen Freer, collector and artist including David McDuff: 'Words In Nature', 1971, 1st edition, signed to half title and with an ALS to Freer, unknown sender though content re McDuff and Freer's poetry anthology, original cloth gilt, dust wrapper; Phoebe Hesketh: 'Over the Brook', 1986, 1st edition, TLS to Freer from Michael Farley looseley inserted, original wraps; Ezra Pound: 'Personae Collected Shorter Poems', London, Faber & Faber, 1st edition, original cloth gilt, dust wrapper; Dannie Abse: 'A Poet in the Family', 1974, 1st edition, signed original cloth, dust wrapper, 'Funland and other Poems', 1973, 2nd impression, signed, 'Selected Poems', 1973, 3rd impression, signed; Plus others Brian Waltham signed; Richard Aldington; Robert Lowell etc etc

Sale Price: £42.00

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Catalogue information

This lot was listed in the Books & Ephemera catalogue.

Location: Diss Auction Rooms
Date: 11th February 2021
Started: 10:00 am

Online deadline: 11th February 2021, 9:30 am