Lot No: 9022

'Jarrolds' Holiday Series', 8 titles, including H.M. Doughty: 'Summer in Broadland: Gipsying in East Anglian Waters', 1890, 3rd edition, original pictorial cloth gilt, highly commercially successful story of a Broads Wherry trip; Ernest Suffling: 'History and Legends of the Broads District', [1891], 1st edition, original pictorial cloth gilt; H.M.L. [Hill Mussenden Leathes]: 'Rough Notes on Natural History in Norfolk and The Eastern Counties', [1890], 1st edition, rebound (not recent) full calf gilt; Harry Brittain: 'Rambles in East Anglia', 1897, 3rd edition, original pictorial cloth gilt; Ernest Suffling: 'How to Organize a Cruise on The Broads', [1899], 3rd edition, folding map, original pictorial cloth gilt; Annie Berlyn: 'Sunrise-Land. Rambles in Eastern England', illustrated Arthur Rackham, 1894, 1st edition, (adverts dated 1894), original pictorial cloth; Clement Scott: Poppy-Land', 1897, 7th edition, original pictorial cloth gilt; G.C. Davies: The Tourists Guide to the Rivers and Broads of Norfolk & Suffolk;, circa 1900, 23rd edition, folding map and illustrations as called for, original pictorial wraps (worn) (8)

Sale Price: £95.00

Catalogue information

This lot is listed in the Books, Maps & Ephemera catalogue.

Location: Saleroom 1
Date: 23rd January 2020
Starts: 2:00 pm

Online deadline: 23rd January 2020, 1:30 pm
Contact: Robert Henshilwood