Lot No: 9043

Arthur Henry Patterson and related, ten titles, all first editions, comprising 'From Hayloft to Temple', 1903, illustrations throughout, original blindstamped decorative cloth gilt (VGC); 'The Cruise of ''The Walrus'' on the Broads', [1923], photographic portrait postcard of author corner mounted at end, original cloth; 'Notes of an East Coast Naturalist', 1904, Frank Southgate coloured plates as caled for, original cloth gilt; 'Nature in Eastern Norfolk', 1905, Frank Southgate coloured plates as caled for, original cloth gilt; 'Wild Life on a Norfolk Estuary', 1907, black and white plates as called for, original cloth gilt; 'Man and Nature on Tidal Waters', 1909, black and white plates as called for, original cloth gilt; 'Through Broadland by Sail and Motor', Blake's Ltd, 1930, illustrations as called for, original cloth gilt, dust wrapper; 'In Norfolk Bird Haunts in A.D. 1755', 1930, illustrations as called for, original cloth; Manning: 'Broadland Naturalist the Life of Arthur H Patterson', 1948, original cloth; Tooley: 'John Knowlittle the Life of the Yarmouth Naturalist Arthur Henry Patterso, ALS', 1985, signed, original pictorial wraps (10)

Sale Price: £90.00

Catalogue information

This lot is listed in the Books, Maps & Ephemera catalogue.

Location: Saleroom 1
Date: 23rd January 2020
Starts: 2:00 pm

Online deadline: 23rd January 2020, 1:30 pm
Contact: Robert Henshilwood