Lot No: 9059

Six Norfolk Broads Guidebooks/Handbooks, including A.J. Rudd: 'The Illustrated Guide to Fishing in Norfolk Waters', Jarrold & Sons, 1896, 1st edition, folding map and illustrations as called for; G.C. Davies: 'The Tourist's Guide to the Rivers and Broads of Norfolk & Suffolk', circa 1900, 23rd edition, folding map and illustrations as called for, both 'Jarrolds' Illustrated Guide' series, both original green cloth gilt; C.S. Ward: 'The Eastern Counties, with a Practical Section on the Rivers & Broads', 1902, 5th edition, folding maps, original cloth gilt; 'Murray's Handbook for Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire', 1892, 3rd edition, several folding maps and plans incl. Norfolk and Suffolk northern and southern sheets, Norwich plan etc (folding maps of Essex and Cambs. in pockets supplied in facsimile), original cloth gilt, plus 2 others similar (6)

Sale Price: £42.00

Catalogue information

This lot is listed in the Books, Maps & Ephemera catalogue.

Location: Saleroom 1
Date: 23rd January 2020
Starts: 2:00 pm

Online deadline: 23rd January 2020, 1:30 pm
Contact: Robert Henshilwood