Lot No: 9081

A collection of 11 titles on Broads boats, Hire Fleet Companies, Navigation etc, including Roy Clark: 'Black Sailed Traders', 1961, 1st edition & 1972 2nd impression copies, both in dust wrappers; Robert Malster: 'Wherries and Waterways', 1971, 1st edition, signed, original cloth, dust wrapper; Jennifer Woods: 'Herbert Woods - A Famous Broadland Pioneer', 2002, original pictorial wraps; Charles Goodey: 'The Brown Boats', 1972, 1st edition, original cloth, dust wrapper; Jamie Campbell: 'A Celebration of Norfolk Punts 1926-2006', 2006, 1st edition, signed, original pictorial wraps, etc etc (11)

Sale Price: £60.00

Catalogue information

This lot is listed in the Books, Maps & Ephemera catalogue.

Location: Saleroom 1
Date: 23rd January 2020
Starts: 2:00 pm

Online deadline: 23rd January 2020, 1:30 pm
Contact: Robert Henshilwood