Lot No: 9275

An Autograph Letter Signed from Admiral Sir Benjamin Hallowell Carew (1761-1834) to Captain E.A. Downe of His Majesty's Sloop Bittern, dated 21st May 1807, re arrangements after the death of Rear Admiral Sir Thomas Louis, ''You are hereby required and directed to proceed with all possible dispatch to Malta and deliver the accompanying letter to Vice Admiral Thornborough. If on your arrival at Malta the Vice Admiral should not be there, you will land the body of the late Rear Admiral Sir Thomas Louis at the Quarantine House and join him immediately on his rendezvous, leaving the dispatches of the Commander in Chief of the troops in Egypt for General Fox with the Minister at Palermo or at Messina on your way...Given under my hand on board His Majesty's Ship Tigre in the Western Harbour of Alexandria this 21st day of May 1807 Ben. Hallowell''. Both Hallowell and Louis were Captains under Nelson's command before and at the time of the Battle of the Nile in 1798, two of his so called ''Band of Brothers''; together with another ALS sent to Lloyd's from agents in Boulogne referring to a shipwreck a few miles from Boulogne, of the ''Palmyra'', dated 26th January 1850 (2)

Sale Price: £200.00

Catalogue information

This lot is listed in the Books, Maps & Ephemera catalogue.

Location: Saleroom 1
Date: 23rd January 2020
Starts: 2:00 pm

Online deadline: 23rd January 2020, 1:30 pm
Contact: Robert Henshilwood