Lot No: 9321

Japanese art, three volumes comprising E. Strange: ''The Colour Prints of Hiroshige'', 1925, first edition, 16 coloured plates, 4to, original cloth, Basil Stewart: ''Subjects Portrayed in Japanese Colour - Prints'', London, Kegan Paul, 1922, 22 coloured plates, folio, original quarter cloth: Yu Fei-an: Bird and Flower Paintings'', 1959, in Japanese numerous coloured and black and white plates, folio original cloth, dust wrapper (3)

Sale Price: £60.00

Catalogue information

This lot is listed in the Books, Maps & Ephemera catalogue.

Location: Saleroom 1
Date: 23rd January 2020
Starts: 2:00 pm

Online deadline: 23rd January 2020, 1:30 pm
Contact: Robert Henshilwood